Effect of ranitidine bismuth citrate on experimental gastric u lcer 雷尼替丁枸橼酸铋对动物实验性胃溃疡的影响
A systematic review of eradicating helicobacter pylori with ranitidine bismuth citrate 雷尼替丁枸橼酸铋根除幽门螺杆菌的系统评价
One week triple - therapy regimen of ranitidine bismuth citrate in the eradication of helicobacter pylori 瑞倍三联1周疗法根除幽门螺杆菌的临床研究
Therapeutic efficacy of ranitidine bismuth citrate with clarithromycin for seven days in the eradication of helicobacter pylori 克拉霉素7天根除幽门螺旋杆菌疗效观察
Clinical study on ranitidine bismuth citrate , ilevofloxacin and furazolidone combination therapy for helicobacter pylori eradication 三联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌临床观察
Comparison of ranitidine bismuth citrate and omeprazole - based regimens in the treatment of helicobacter pylori infection 枸橼酸铋雷尼替丁三联与奥美拉唑三联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌的研究
Comparison of ranitidine bismuth citrate and lansoprazole - based regimens in the treatment of helicobacter pylori infection 枸橼酸铋雷尼替丁三联与兰索拉唑三联及四联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌的研究
Compared with complex titration , the proposed method is simple , rapid , accurate and applicable to the analysis of ranitidine bismuth citrate capsules for quality control 该法简便、快速、结果准确,为枸橼酸铋雷尼替丁胶囊的质量控制提供了可靠依据。
Bailey rj , marlice k , roesch w , et al . gr122311x ( ranitidine bismuth citrate ) , a new drug for the treatment of gastric ulcer [ j ] . gastroenterology , 1995 , 108 a51 方秀才,陆星华,董恩钰,等.国产枸橼酸铋雷尼替丁治疗消化性溃疡的临床研究[ j ] .中国临床药理学杂志, 2001 , 17 ( 1 ) 3 - 6